Saldanha Bay Municipality Level 3 Water Restrictions

From the first of April 2017, Saldanha Bay Municipality will be implementing Level 3 water restrictions.

For those living in the area, here is a summary of what it means:

For your Garden:

  1. No watering with a sprinkler system or hose pipes
  2. Watering with can or bucket is only allowed before 9am or after 6pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays
  3. No watering with 48 hours of rainfall that provides adequate saturation

Your grey water system:

  1. If you use a grey water system or non-potable water need to display a sign to this effect

Your vehicles and boats:

  1. You may not wash your vehicle or boat with municipal water

Your swimming pool:

  1. You may ONLY top up your pool manually AND only if it has a pool cover
  2. You may not use potable water in a temporary play pool

The full details can be found on the SBM website or in the attached newsletter (click: SBM Express_March2017)



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