Ordinary kitchen sponges are made using artificial polymers, including polyurethane or a polyethylene mesh. They typically have a useful lifespan of about a month before ending up on landfill sites.
Natural materials like coconut fibre have a gentle abrasive action that works to clean all sorts of surfaces without scratching. These natural fibres are biodegradable and compostable, so they will return harmlessly to the Earth after use. They also have natural antibacterial properties, making them more hygienic and effective than ordinary sponges.
Shop online for a selection of sisal and coconut fibre sponges for your kitchen. Combined with an all-natural detergent, these sponges are perfect for everyday eco-friendly cleaning.
For more information on the bacteria in sponges read this article.
Kitchen Sponge Replacements
Kitchen Sponge Replacements
Kitchen Sponge Replacements
Kitchen Sponge Replacements