Whether you are starting out on your “green journey” or you are looking to take the next big step in order to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, greening your home is a great place to start. Through a few simple and sustainable changes, you can ensure that your environmental footprint is substantially reduced. Not only will you be making changes that save water and reduce your reliance on dirty energy, but you will also, in many cases, be saving money in the long run. From water-saving products to solar instillations here are our top three green your home tips with links to our simple, sustainable and affordable products:
Become a Water Warrior
Water saving is no longer a choice. With Cape Town’s water crisis an ongoing reminder to the rest of the country about the urgent need to conserve this precious and finite resource, we are all turning into water warriors. But forgoing your daily shower and flushing once a day has started to get many of us down. Thankfully there are more and more water saving products coming onto the market which are allowing us to maintain a semblance of our old lives, while ensuring that we continue to save water.
Water saving shower heads are one of the smartest investments you can make in your home or business. Not only do they reduce water consumption, but by reducing hot water flow, they save electricity consumption in the geyser, one of the largest energy users in a home. Our range of water-saving showerheads not only reduce water flow rate, but also accelerates the water to maintain a comfortable, high pressure shower experience.
- Using aerators on your taps provides you and your guests with improved hygiene, while cutting water usage by up to 70%. Our inexpensive aerators keep water pressure high while saving water.
From water saving shower-heads to tap aerators, we can recommend our products because we use them. Save water, save energy and save money with these great products: Shop Now
Go Solar
Going solar has for many years been a dream of many, but one that has been financially impossible to achieve. Thankfully solar is becoming more affordable and easier to install. Not only does a solar system generate clean energy, it also adds value to your home or business and can put cash in your pocket. Producing energy on-site cuts your energy costs, and in areas with a feed-in scheme, excess solar energy can be sold to further reduce your bill. Not only are you reducing your reliance on dirty energy you are also saving money in the long run.
Contact us for a free solar installation quote.
Not ready to go fully solar yet? Then check out our great range of solar products that you can use in and around your home. Shop Now
Change to LEDs
With so many great products on the market, there is no excuse to still be using old, energy-sapping bulbs. Leave these behind in the past, where they belong, and make the change to LEDs today. Not only do they use less electricity than an incandescent bulb (90% less), but they last up to 50 times longer. Look out for our LED article later this month where we will give you the key facts about LEDs.
Cover Photo: © ponsulak