Going solar isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, it marks a definitive shift in your decision to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. And, while solar systems used to come with a hefty price-tag, the good news is that, as technology has advanced, solar has become more affordable and easier to install. So much so that, with very little government support, South Africa, like the rest of the world, is seeing a definite shift towards greater clean-energy use by homes and businesses. To help make your decision that much easier, here are our top reasons to go solar…
First and foremost, savings. A well-designed solar system can reduce your monthly energy bill substantially and at a rate of return that will beat the stock-market. This is especially true in municipalities that have feed-in schemes that give you credit for your excess solar power that is fed back into the grid. It is also true for businesses that can take advantage of the tax benefits of a solar system.
- Secondly, going solar can reduce your reliance on the national grid. In a country where our electrical supply can be unreliable, having your own assured energy supply is, in some areas, becoming a necessity. Fortunately, lithium ion batteries have developed to the point that, in many parts of the country, they can provide stored electricity at the same cost as grid power. To get you through the dark hours of load shedding, a small energy storage system (battery) will provide solar power to your essential loads, such as lights and computers. While larger energy storage systems can provide you with days of back-up energy to get you through the rainy periods when there is little or no sunshine.
Finally, and probably the most important reason for going solar: the environment. Pulling our electricity from coal-fired power stations, South Africa’s grid energy is ‘dirty’. By taking pressure off the national grid, each home or business powered by solar energy is reducing our use of this dirty-energy and in turn is making a substantial different to our carbon footprint. Every kWh (unit) of solar power that is generated saves 1 kg of CO2.
Here at Greenlight we believe that going solar is one of the best decisions that you can make for your home, your business and our planet. So much so that we even offer a solar rental option that requires no upfront costs while providing all the benefits of a solar system.
Contact us for a quote today and we will show you how going green and clean has never been easier or more affordable.